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Showing posts from July, 2017

Changes in College Attendance by State and Ethnicity, 2005-2015

Note: If you haven't read my post about the 2016 election results and educational attainment , it might be of interest to read that first.  Or later.  Or not at all. Your choice. This started simply enough: A couple of tables from the Digest of Education Statistics , (tables 302.65 and 302.70) showing the percentage of adults aged 18-24 who were attending a degree-granting college by state and ethnicity in 2005 and 2015.  If you've read this blog enough, you know I have a love/hate relationship with the digest: Great data, but horrible formatting.  The tables are made to be printed on a single 8" x 11" sheet and handed out.  The crucial distinction between data and insight is lost. Regardless, I reformatted the sheets into something workable for Tableau, and started to look at them. I wasn't having much luck: Some of the states didn't have data on African-American students, for instance, in 2005.  The variable for "Asian/Pacific Islander" was rel